I think ‘I'm standing’ in the forest ...

Ich glaub‘ ich steh’ im Wald... - Bambuzz | #yourchoice

I've been thinking this sentence a lot lately when I read the news, but also when I hear other people's reactions to it. What kind of crazy time is this now ?! Some things are slowly "normalizing", but the uncertainty is still great. What's next? Will there be a “normal” life as we knew it before Corona at some point? And anyway, this division of time into “before Corona” and “after Corona” - will that go down in history? If so, what are the consequences? Will our children grow up with a minimum distance and a face mask? When is the next virus coming? What do we do then? Do we react the same as we do now? What would the alternatives be? When does it stop? Does that stop at some point?

Questions about questions to which (at least it seems) nobody knows the answers at the moment. I don't think I've ever found it so difficult to form my own opinion. There are constantly new facts, studies, new findings that refute the previous ones - or not ...


Ultimately, here I am: In the forest, in fact. For me, the forest somehow replaces the therapist. Even as a teenager, whenever I had problems, I went into the forest with our dog. Not infrequently for 2-3 hours. Until I had the feeling that I could get along with myself and the world "out there" again.

At the moment the forest has become more important in my life as a “place of retreat”. Here you can simply “be” (both literally and figuratively)😉). The forest does not ask, judge, or demand anything. You don't have to understand everything here. Between centuries-old trees you can feel small and insignificant, but also secure and comforted. The special forest atmosphere always gives me the feeling: “Don't worry. Life goes on! It always has ... don't be afraid, everything will be fine. "


And so I can go home after a while - a rediscovered certainty in me, a basic trust that I sometimes thought I had lost ...

I can trust again that I will be fine. With me. And with the world “out there” - whatever it may be tomorrow.

This certainty is currently more important to me than all facts, opinions and discussions. I can't understand everything, I will "stand in the forest" every now and then ... and I'm just learning that that's okay!

1 comment

  • Katharina Rina

    Liebe Lena, lieber Christian/Buzzer :)!!!
    So toll was ihr da macht und mega Deine Worte hier!
    Würde Euch sofort unterstützen, nur leider ist das hier auf Zypern so ne Sache mit dem Versand 🥴!
    Kommt fast nichts an in dieser bescheuerten Zeit!
    Die komplette Seite ist wirklich toll! Eure Story, die Produkte und das durchdachte Programm das ihr unterstützt!

    Ganz liebe Grüße an die ganze Familie Schwarz

    Sonniger und liebster Gruss aus Zypern

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